Marine Corps League
of Oakhurst

Military Funeral Honors Detail

Griswold Mountain Detachment #1121

Military Funeral Honors Detail

The Funeral Honors Detail is composed of members of Marine Corps League Griswold Mountain Detachment 1121 and VFW Post 8743. The organization and management of the Detail is the responsibility of Marine Corps League Griswold Mountain Detachment 1121.To request Veteran Funeral Honors support, call the following personnel in the order listed.
Bosworth, Jerry(559) 683-3932(559) 760-5941
Russell, Bud(559) 683-8119(559) 760-2237
Raschdorf, Wayne(559) 840-3322(503) 780-8753

Funeral Honors Detail Members

Bosworth, Jerry(559) 683-3932(559) 760-5941
Cole, Steve(559) 598-1632(209) 752-5276
Gardner, George(559) 683-4292(503) 580-9569
Lamontagne, Richard (C)(559) 658-2502
Pizelo, Angelo (C)(559) 683-6987(503) 658-1433
Raschdorf, Wayne(559) 840-3322(503) 780-8753
Rosas, Luise(760) 235-8620
Russell, Bud(559) 683-8119(559) 760-2237
Russell, Lynn(559) 683-8119
Wilson, Joe(559) 307-9952
(C=Chaplin) Updated: 10 August 2020